If you received an error that "your mobile phone number could not be accepted at this time", the following requirements must be met:

1. The mobile phone number must be a valid mobile number from any US based wireless provider. 
2. The mobile phone is able to send and receive text messages. 

There are times when those requirements have been met; however, a mobile phone number still cannot be verified by our system. Some of reasons include:

1. The phone is on a prepackaged prepaid mobile plan.
2. The phone number is a Google voice number, which is not capable of being a verified text number.
3. The phone number is attached to a landline.
4. The phone number is not based in the U.S.
If all of the above requirements are met and the verification code is still not received, it is possible the following has occurred:

1. An incorrect number was entered.
2. The phone number is tied to a previously rated high-risk phone.